U.S. Blizzard Jonas: Social Retrospective

Call it what you want to: the Blizzard of 2016, Winter Storm Jonas, Snowmageddon or Snowzilla. Fact is, the storm hit hard and affected many people from New York to the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky and West Virginia. This major news event was covered by almost every national media outlet, and on social media last weekend.


One of the best videos to come out of the blizzard Jonas was probably the clip of Tian Tian, the panda at the Smithsonian National Zoo, playing in the snow:

It’s not really a blizzard until people tweet about it. People on social media were all about sharing their snow day secrets, welcoming the storm and sketching the effects on their everyday life. Here’s a short recap:

Weather is probably still the most talked about subject in the world. According to a survey, Britons spend, on average, six months talking about the weather. Needless to say, people are most likely to share their comments on weather on social as well.

Do you want to keep your readers updated on weather conditions in your region? Crowdynews’ social media curation platform finds all relevant social media content for you. Using the platform you are able to publish all social content on severe weather situations on your website and thus keep your readers up to date at all times.

Photo credits: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128269164@N05/

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